03 März 2021

Datamobile Meeting Service

Since communication can be difficult in times like these, we created something special for our customers to support you even better:Datamobile Meeting Service – a free communication tool. You can find it here: https://meeting.datamobile.ag Datamobile Meeting Service is easy to use via web browser on your desktop, tablet or smartphone, does not require a login and has numerous features: Webcam Audio Chat Emojis Screen Sharing Multi-User Whiteboard Breakout Rooms Polling We wish you lots of fun and great conversations! Your datamobile AG-Team


Since communication can be difficult in times like these, we created something special for our customers to support you even better:
Datamobile Meeting Service – a free communication tool.

You can find it here: https://meeting.datamobile.ag

Datamobile Meeting Service is easy to use via web browser on your desktop, tablet or smartphone, does not require a login and has numerous features:

  • Webcam
  • Audio
  • Chat
  • Emojis
  • Screen Sharing
  • Multi-User Whiteboard
  • Breakout Rooms
  • Polling

We wish you lots of fun and great conversations!

Your datamobile AG-Team

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